Centre Endorsed & Supported Teaching and Learning Technologies
Quick Guide to Self-Directed Video

Faculty & Sessional Instructors

Teaching and Learning Certificate (TLC)
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Instructional Skills Workshop (ISW)
Teaching Workshops

Graduate Students

Graduate Teaching Program (GTP)
Graduate Workshops

Postdoctoral Fellows

Teaching Workshops


The Students’ Teacher Recognition Reception (STRR) is an opportunity to celebrate teaching excellence. Recognizing that academic growth and development occurs over many years, each faculty nominates an outstanding graduating student, who then selects two teachers who have made important contributions to their education – one from Kindergarten to Grade 12 years and one from their years at the University of Manitoba.

Students’ Teacher Recognition Reception


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    Faculty and instructors, this good news is for you!  The Libraries have integrated a new tool into UM Learn, designed to help you easily share reading materials for each of your courses. Reading lists may include items from the Libraries, […]
  • Webinar explores academic integrity and file-sharing behaviours among students
    On August 14, Brenda Stoesz, Faculty Specialist in The Centre for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning, along with Josh Seeland, Academic Integrity & Copyright Officer at the Assiniboine Community College, will be presenting an interactive session on academic file-sharing […]
  • The must-do online course and other insights for teachers
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As leaders in education, academic staff at the University of Manitoba make commitments to uphold the six fundamental values of academic integrity: honesty, trust, fairness, respect, responsibility, and courage (International Centre for Academic Integrity) and to model these values to students at every stage in their academic careers. Read more to discover ways to encourage academic integrity and prevent academic misconduct at the University of Manitoba.

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TeachingLIFE magazine, a University of Manitoba publication, showcases teaching and learning on—and beyond—our campuses.



2018-2024 Centre Snapshot

January | 2021 | en.huanqiu.com:A 4182 train is ready to leave the station. (Photo/cnr.cn) People like to use the word fast to describe China’s rapid railway development. However, in some regions of the country, trains are still operating at a very slow speed, such as the 4182 train running on Yakeshi …
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